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Spiritual Poems of the Soul (hc)
by Simhananda
9781928016151 (1928016154)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2022-12-01
CDN Retail $39.95
Soul and Heart-Polarized Invocations (tp)
by Etbonan Karta
9781928016120 (192801612X)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2021-03-31
CDN Retail $19.95
Crystals of Hope (tp)
by Lynda Blanchette
9781989870006 (1989870007)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2021-03-31
CDN Retail $11.95
Crystals & Stones: A Pocket Guide to Lithotherapy
by .
9781896523996 (1896523994)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2021-03-31
CDN Retail $12.95
Crystal Skull of Compassion
by Roy, Klaire D.
9781896523941 (1896523943)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
CDN Retail $19.95
Quartztherapy (tp)
by D Roy, Klaire
9781896523835 (1896523838)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2016-12-01
CDN Retail $39.95
Seven Sacred Stations of the Self (tp)
by Karta, Etbonan
9781928016045 (1928016049)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
CDN Retail $11.95
Emaho Tibet!
by Simhananda
9781928016007 (1928016006)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2014-05-15
CDN Retail $59.95
Paradisal Plums Vol I (hc)
by Dadi Darshan Dharma
9780968704813 (0968704816)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2001-03-01
CDN Retail $32.95
Paradisal Plums Vol II (hc)
by Dadi Darshan Dharma
9780968704820 (0968704824)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2001-03-01
CDN Retail $32.95
Circle of Initiates Past and Present
by Klaire D. Roy
9780980969474 (0980969476)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2016-04-01
CDN Retail $39.95
Jyoti for Kids (with CD) (tp)
by Simhananda
9780980969467 (0980969468)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2011-01-01
CDN Retail $16.95
Great Golden Garland of Gampopa’s Sublime Considerations on the Supreme Path, Volume 2 (hc)
by B.Simhananda
9780980969498 (0980969492)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2011-04-15
CDN Retail $32.95
Divine Concordance of Light (hc)
by Etbonan Karta
0968704808 (9780968704806)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2008-11-08
CDN Retail $149.95
Paradisal Plums Vol I&II (hc)
by Dadi Darshan Dharma
0968704832 (9780968704837)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-02
CDN Retail $62.95
Great Golden Garland of Gampopa's Sublime Considerations on the Supreme Path, volume 1 (hc)
by B.Simhananda
0968704875 (9780968704875)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-02
CDN Retail $44.95
Science of Full Moon Invocations (tp)
by Dadi Darshan Dharma
0973443901 (9780973443905)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-01
CDN Retail $22.95
Holy Moly Hiccoughs and Enigmatic Knotty Eructations from the Boffola (hc)
by Ken N.O. Sho
0973443928 (9780973443929)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-05
CDN Retail $28.95
Divine Concordance of Light - Collectanea One (hc)
by Etbonan Karta
0973443960 (9780973443967)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-02
CDN Retail $16.95
Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Khadromas and the Way of the Pilgrim (hc)
by B.Simhananda
0973443987 (9780973443981)
Orange Palm and Magnificent Magus Publications
Publish Date: 2007-08-02
CDN Retail $59.95

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